North London Food & Culture

Home Kitchen

Home Kitchen to replace Odette’s in Primrose Hill

The world’s first fine dining restaurant to be staffed by homeless people in London

As we all know, things move quickly in the world of London hospitality. And it was sad to learn last week that seminal Regent’s Park Road restaurant Odette’s was closing, a genuine North London institution dating back to 2008 in its current form (under chef Bryn Williams) but originally way back to the 1970s.

Happily, the site’s next incarnation is extremely worthy of a mention. Restaurateur Andrew Fishwick (of ex-Truscott Arms fame, who we interviewed back in 2015 when he was launching the Truscott Cellar in Belsize Park), is opening “the world’s first fine dining restaurant to be staffed by homeless people in London,” he said this week.

“Home Kitchen features two-time Michelin star winner Adam Simmonds as Executive Chef and a leadership team drawn from the catering and hospitality, advertising, and charity sectors.”


The Primrose Hill Odette’s site was chosen as the first site for the fine dining concept – with the idea being to scale to other cities with significant homeless communities in the UK and internationally.

“I’ve had the privilege of working with this group of legends for the past 18 months in building and developing Home Kitchen – the social impact restaurant and today we announced our launch,” he said. This is definitely one to watch.

Follow @homekitchenlondon for updates.

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